FAMI™ – Facial rejuvenation and repair technique developed by Dr. Roger E. Amar is a non-invasive anti-aging alternative to traditional facelift. FAMI consists of an auto graft of adult stem cells from fat injected under local block anesthesia in order to rebuild bones, muscles and facial fat pads. FAMI™ fat auto graft muscle injection is a genuine non-invasive procedure with a micro-anatomical grafting precision. FAMI™ is a true organic procedure, which gives harmonious rejuvenation and repair and prevent the stigmas of aging process. The benefits of fat graft are numerous and apparent, yet when it comes to facial rejuvenation, it is not as prominent as the traditional facelift. The chief critique of the fat graft is that the survivability of the harvested fat cells is impossible to determine. There have been cases where the results of the fat graft are short lived. The FAMI™ technique differentiates itself from the traditional facelift by addressing each one of these issues. The manner in which the fat is harvested and purified is pivotal in ensuring its survivability. Also, the amount of fat that is used is a key ingredient in determining how well the injected fat reacts with the facial tissues. Dr Callanta calls it ‘the sweet spot’, and based on his experience, it varies from patient to patient, depending on their facial structure and symptoms of aging. An important benefit to note with regards to the FAMI™ technique is the method and instruments used to inject the harvested fat. Not only does it ensure long-lasting results, it causes minimal discomfort and pain with zero to no bruising. The FAMI™ technique is so specialized with a notoriously steep learning curve that there are only five practicing surgeons, trained by Dr Amar himself, in the world; with Dr Alfredo V Callanta being the only authority in Asia and the Pacific, let alone in Manila and the Philippines.
Tel: +63 2 410 8213
Skype: EMPIRE2013
Viber: +639 175 786 472
Unit 8A,
3rd Floor IL Terrazzo
305 Tomas Morato Corner
Scout Madrinan Street
South Triangle 1103,
Quezon City, Philippines